What Kind of Decision Maker Are You?

You may be familiar with personality styles and even taken one of the many personality tests out there such as the MBTI. Just like you have a primary personality type, you also have a predominant decision-making type. Take this quiz and find out your primary decision-making style!

How to take this quiz

Think quickly

Trust your instinct; it’s usually right.

Be yourself

Answer honestly, even if you don’t like the answer.

Quick & Easy

This tests takes approximately two minutes to complete.

Question #

When making decisions, how much emphasis do you place on gathering detailed information?

Select an option
When making decisions, how much emphasis do you place on gathering detailed information?

When working in a group, I am more likely to:

Select an option
When working in a group, I am more likely to:

When facing uncertainty, what is your preferred approach?

Select an option
When facing uncertainty, what is your preferred approach?

How do you handle mistakes or failures in your decisions?

Select an option
How do you handle mistakes or failures in your decisions?

When considering a major decision, how do you deal with pressure?

Select an option
When considering a major decision, how do you deal with pressure?

How do you feel about taking risks in decision-making?

Select an option
How do you feel about taking risks in decision-making?

When facing a major life choice, I tend to:

Select an option
When facing a major life choice, I tend to:

How do you handle making decisions under time pressure?

Select an option
How do you handle making decisions under time pressure?

You are most likely to delegate decisions to others when:

Select an option
You are most likely to delegate decisions to others when:

A new health trend gains popularity. How do you decide whether to incorporate it into your lifestyle?

Select an option
A new health trend gains popularity. How do you decide whether to incorporate it into your lifestyle?

You’re faced with a health screening revealing potential risks. How do you approach follow-up tests and decisions?

Select an option
You’re faced with a health screening revealing potential risks. How do you approach follow-up tests and decisions?

What’s your approach when faced with conflicting data?

Select an option
What’s your approach when faced with conflicting data?
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