Award Winning Scientist Amalia Issa helps people make smarter decisions and navigate the brand new world of AI and digital health with ease.

Decision Making for Health:
Re-imagined for the Digital World©

We have now reached a point where digital technology and artificial intelligence (AI) are deeply embedded into our daily lives. Digital health platforms enable self-monitoring, self-diagnosis, and even self-treatment.

Digital technologies have a profound impact on our individual and societal decision-making.

Information has never been more accessible than it is today.
Healthcare decisions have never been more complex.

Making smarter decisions is a survival skill for the 21st century.

How well do you make quality decisions?

Dr. Amalia M. Issa, PhD, MPH

Amalia M. Issa

Amalia is an award-winning neuroscientist, speaker, and consultant. She is internationally recognized for pioneering the science of precision medicine decision-making. Her mission is to empower people to make smarter decisions in the AI and digital health era.

With numerous scientific and medical publications featured in top journals such as the Journal of Neuroscience, Personalized Medicine, Cancer, and JAMA, her insights and work have also been featured in a wide variety of media outlets. Honored with numerous awards for her exceptional work, Dr. Issa has been named one of the Women in Global Health.

Amalia has delivered over 160 keynotes and talks all over the world.

Here are some of the places her public speaking has taken her.

Amalia speaks about:

  • Becoming a phenomenal decision maker in the digital age
  • Using digital and mobile tools for health
  • The Upside of Chaos
  • Deciding Under the Influence of DigitalTM
  • Do You Know Your Adapatibilty Quotient (AQ)TM?

Amalia has Taught at/Worked With:

Harvard Medical School
McGill University
University of Houston College of Pharmacy
UCLA Fielding Public School of Health
SIU School of Medicine
The College of Physicians of Philadelphia
TMC - Texas Medical Center
Montreal neurological hospital institute
Coriell Institute for Medical Research
Memorial Health
Society for Participatory Medicine
Society for Medical Decision Making

Decision dispatches

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